Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The final two playwriting classes were held on April 27th and May 4th. On the 27th, Brigitte arranged for a playwright and an actor to visit the class, so Brigitte and I just sat and watched their lecture/performance. The kids really enjoyed the class because the playwright and actor read "The Cat in the Hat" as an example of an exciting story with a dramatic structure. Then they read many of the students' plays aloud and gave the students a lot of positive feedback about their work.

On May 4th, some students still were working on their plays, but I helped most of them create audio recordings of their plays. They had a lot of fun assigning parts to each other to read and speaking into the microphone.

Teaching 3rd, 4th and 5th graders this semester has been a really great experience, so it was kind of sad for me when they took all their work home.

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